Oasis is building the foundation for decentralized AI, enabling decentralized and verifiable computation in AI that protects user data

Let’s dive into what “decentralized AI” means: 👇

The fundamental principle of Web3, “Don’t trust, verify,” highlights the importance of blockchains performing decentralized and verifiable computations

As blockchain technology matures, the focus shifts to extending these trustless operations beyond digital transactions

AI can benefit from decentralized confidential computing

Decentralized AI improves the scalability of AI (data processing at scale) while protecting user data processed in AI models

The concept of decentralized confidential computing is at the heart of Oasis

True decentralization requires the ability to verify that computations were performed correctly without leaking sensitive information

Oasis This challenge is addressed by combining zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs and trusted execution environments (TEEs), which provide a secure framework for executing and verifying computations without exposing the underlying data

ROFL (Runtime Off-Chain Logic) is our game-changing framework that enables more complex off-chain computations while maintaining confidentiality and verifiability

The framework extends the capabilities of our on-chain runtimes (such as Sapphire) to support off-chain components

These components can perform more complex and flexible computations, access external network resources, and still maintain the required confidentiality and integrity

The framework allows for significant advances in AI, secure data processing, and decentralized applications

Through ROFL, Oasis aims to revolutionize the decentralized application landscape by allowing AI agents to run with private "ideas", ensuring data transfer across the network, and providing a powerful AI training environment that protects its users

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