Hey all šŸ‘‹

As I told in my previous post $ENA will touch $1.1 and we saw a $1.111 thats is good.

If it will continue to stay in between $1.0 to $1.1 in current days, in next some days it will touch 1.2 too. Lets see.

Still many of us invested in ENA at $1.3 and $1.4 and we are still in lose. But if you can afford hold you should hold. After current #bitcoinhalving it will surely touch $2 in upcoming months.

Here I want add one more thing that in down trendšŸ“‰ even short trade was risky, so now its time for up trendšŸ“ˆ. And now at low risk you can do short trades. May it will recover your funds before $ENA touch your purchase bought number and even good chances of more profits too.

Best of luck to all šŸ‘

#bitcoinhalving #Token2049 #Megadrop