#比特币减半 The layout of yesterday's callback entry was stopped again. Ether predicted that the support below was around 3000. Bitcoin was around 62700. Sure enough, the market was basically consistent with the prediction. The lowest price of Ether was around 3020 during the day, and the lowest price of Bitcoin was 62950. The stop loss was not broken. The subsequent shock upward trend, and a wave of sharp rises came out in the evening. The highest price of Bitcoin was around 65400, and the highest price of Ether was 3140. Both stopped profit! But it was the weekend, so the market came a little slower. So basically there was no big gain. I can understand the mentality of the follower pen pal. After all, it is difficult to keep a stable mentality when the order is hanging there.

At the 4-hour level, the upward channel has been opened, the bulls continue to increase the volume, and the upper part of the K-line is close to the upper track, which has given some pressure, and the subsequent rise is weak. There should be a callback. Then you can short at a high level.

At the daily level, the middle track value can be used as the upper pressure level at this stage. Then it is unlikely that Bitcoin will break 66500 and Ethereum will break 3220. This can be considered a stop loss.

Ether: short around 3150-3170, target: 3100-3070

Defense: 3200

Bitcoin: short around 65400-65900, target: 64500-63700, defense: 66300#大盘走势 #ETH🔥🔥🔥