I would like to point out that I am a novice trader and I am trying to learn. I read a couple of basic concepts of trading in general and I focused on the study of some graphs such as the MACD and RSI which I find very useful for keeping an eye on the trend of a token in real time. As regards the OMNI token, my prediction was based on the proceeds in dollars obtained from the previous launchpools (ena-saga) which with around 1700 usdt I managed to get a reward of around 30 euros (30 euros each), I thought that the rewards in euros they were the same but instead I learned the hard way (about 120 usd loss on OMNI out of 300 invested (not realized))


Furthermore, being a beginner, I only make spot investments and do not use leverage.

With this post my aim is to beg. Not money, because my dignity comes first of all and I also don't need it, not future market prices (which from what I understand, everyone says what interests them most and not real advice) but knowledge and useful advice on how continue on this path.

My aim is not to get rich because I would be crazy to set myself this goal but a small secondary income certainly doesn't hurt in my life. On the other hand, it is the multiple economic incomes that create wealth, money can multiply but time remains constant. Better to optimize time than money.

Have a good day everyone.