I have a friend (2)

I have a friend who was lucky enough to get into the market during the big bear market in early 2019. It was the lowest point of the bear market at that time, and everyone suffered miserably.

Later I found out that the reason why this guy came in was really weird, because he was an old pervert. When he saw He Yi's photo, he thought she was very beautiful and said the mole on her chin was a fortune mole and very sexy.

So, when the price of bnb fluctuated around 20u, he bought a lot of bnb, and successively joined many Binance groups, and also added many WeChat accounts of fake girls.

Because he knew that there would be a bull market after the halving, he kept holding on to bnb. In the end, he made a big profit in the last bull market, making a profit of more than 20 times. Let us, the leeks who have gained nothing, be so jealous that we just want to kill people and silence them.

During the Spring Festival of 2021, he invited us to drink and said that he told fortunes. 2021 was the year when his wealth exploded. He bet almost all his money on a new website, which is famous for its contracts. But he never made a contract and only bought the platform currency of this website. He said that his financial freedom was just around the corner. Because we trusted him, and because he invited us to drink Wuliangye, we each bought a lot of it when we were half drunk and half awake.

But this time, luck did not favor him. The website suddenly ran away, his entire net worth dropped to zero overnight, and friends like us also lost a lot. Everyone felt depressed, but no one blamed him. On the contrary, they felt "secretly happy". In the end, everyone made a tacit agreement not to mention this matter.

Last year, all the micro-loan advertisements appeared in this friend’s circle of friends. Occasionally, I would like to say a greeting or two and ask him if he still wants to buy coins? He said forget it, A-shares are still reliable, at least they won’t run away.

This year, as Big A failed to recover, the copycats also languished. We haven't seen his updates for a long time, and no one has the intention to contact him. After all, they are all leeks. Even if you highlight them occasionally, you cannot escape the fate of being harvested.

#比特币减半 #Meme