You will regret it if you don't read it: There are 3 days and 16 hours left before the fourth Bitcoin halving. The halving will have a huge impact on its price, and global crypto investors are nervously watching this important event. Today, Gua Ge spent 6 hours analyzing in detail the impact of previous halvings on Bitcoin prices, and predicted the decline in this round of halving, the maximum decline point, the trend one month after halving, and the trend one year later.

The impact of previous halvings on Bitcoin prices

The first halving had basically no pullback, and it rose 13 points after the halving, and ushered in a crazy bull market 48 days after the halving.

The second halving, the price fell from the highest point of $789 to $474, with the maximum drop of -39.93%; 105 days after the halving, the bull market came

The third halving, the price fell from a high of $10,101 to $8,099, with a maximum drop of -19.82; a bull market came 148 days after the halving

The fourth halving, the current maximum callback is -17.62%, but the halving market has not yet ended. Combining the on-chain data, Gua Ge made a prediction for this halving market

Rational decline: callback to around $57,600, a decline of -21.87%

Sentiment decline: callback to around $51,800, a decline of -29.84%

Kind reminder: 52000 may be the last place to get on the bus in this bull market, please cherish it

I have already placed the purchase order

Market after halving

The recent low trading volume of ETFs indicates that the market has entered the halving market from the institutional game market

I put the market trends after the four halvings on a chart, so that you can clearly see the market trends after each halving. In the short term, one month after the halving, the market was relatively stable, with the highest decline of -12.3% and the largest increase of 8.5%.

The following figure shows the market trend one year after the halving. It can be seen that BTC has ushered in a bull market after each halving.

First halving: 92.2x

Second halving: 3.89 times

The third halving: 3.97 times

Market forecast after the fourth halving one year later: 3.1 times the price on the day of halving, about 160,000 to 180,000 US dollars per coin

If you agree, please give me a thumbs up. If you disagree, please leave your predicted price.

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