If fate treats you badly, we cannot choose fate. The only thing we can choose is to live fearlessly when fate shows its hideous side.

Hang Qing Review:

In the early morning market, it went up to 64,000 and was under pressure. It retreated to 62,000 and tested low. It rebounded to 64,000. Yesterday morning, we also gave everyone a short position near 64,000 and saw the position near 62,000. It was also given as expected. Yesterday morning, Wei Yi was short at the high level of 64,000 and 3,080. Da Bing took more than 1,700 points of space, and Auntie took more than 60 points of space. Later, he went long. Da Bing took more than 1,300 points of space again, and Auntie took more than 50 points of space. Wei Yi also grasped the early morning trend.

Hang Qing Analysis:

In terms of trend, from the daily line, it gives a step-by-step look back method. Looking at the market in the early morning, the fluctuation range trend is formed at a high level, with the position near 64000 as the upward resistance. Therefore, based on the daily and short-term lines, we still need to focus on shorting during the day, but if it breaks and continues, we can follow up directly.

Dabing suggests: shorting near 64000, target 61000$BTC $ETH #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #Meme