hey U all!! the event to make millions, we've been waiting for the past 3 years and a half is here. a few blocks away . tomorrow or the day after the halving will take place ( note that the halving is an event it is not something that goes on for months, be careful who u read and follow because that will make the difference whether u will make money or follow some a**hole whose guidelines and fundamentals are not clear and u will end up losing it all by following that persona.

I like this crypto investor but this platform does not allowe to say his name here.. Weird shit in this platform but whatever, if u wanna know just write here and I'll tell u who he is. He is one of he most honest crypto influencers who actually cares about the whole cycle and he makes it easy for people to go through the cycle, check his ideas out on YT. one of my favs. not paid promotion here, just SB i really like .

next 12 months u can turn 1k Into 50k easily if u know ur way around this. u can Also turn 1k into 0.

eyes open, stay up to date, monitore the market and follow those who know more than u and will help improve ur skills therefore, ur portfolio .

final thoughts before the event






*not financial advice, educational purposes, investigate! knowledge is power!*

*original written language is English, get context please if u r translating or reading in another language*

Love, Andy.