Top 10 Legendary Figures in the Cryptocurrency Circle - ETH V God (from

He started programming at the age of 4, wrote games in C++ at the age of 12, and dropped out of school to start a business at the age of 19. This Russian "genius boy" created such a myth. He is the famous founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, nicknamed V God, and even Russian President Putin is his fan!

In 1994, Buterin was born in Kolomna, Russia. His father Dmitry Buterin is a computer scientist. When he was 4 years old, his father gave him a personal computer and started his programming career. When he was 6 years old, the family moved to Canada. In the third grade of elementary school, Buterin was placed in the gifted children's class. At that time, he was attracted by mathematics, programming and economics. Probably because of immigration, Buterin can speak 4 languages, English, French, German, and Russian. It is said that it only took him a few months to speak Chinese fluently. After graduating from high school, Buterin entered the University of Waterloo to study advanced courses and worked as a research assistant for cryptographer Ian Goldberg, who was involved in the creation of Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR). He seemed to have a bright future, but eight months after entering school, he followed the path of Bill Gates and Zuckerberg and dropped out of school. It was this genius who learned about the existence of a new type of cryptocurrency from his father at the age of 17 - Bitcoin. In his eyes, the development space of cryptocurrency is extremely huge. At the same time, there are many areas that need to be improved in the early Bitcoin. So, he had a plan to create a new cryptocurrency based on Bitcoin! Soon, he got an investment worth $18 million from venture capital. ETH Ethereum was born! The biggest difference between ETH Ethereum and BTC Bitcoin is the addition of smart contracts! Based on a general programming language, it can be used to create a variety of applications, such as social, trading, games...

Ethereum was officially launched in 2015! Vitalik started to promote his ETH all over the world. It is said that he also came to Hangzhou and Shenzhen, China to promote ETH Ethereum. Anyone who came there would be given 5,000 coins as long as they downloaded the software. Suppose you were a lucky person who was there that day and believed the words of this genius and got 5,000 Ethereum. If you didn’t take it seriously at the time and took out these 5,000 ETH today, you can get hundreds of millions of RMB!

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