When the market goes into a bearish phase, price averaging, abbreviated in English DCA, will be extremely effective, but if you want to have the best average price, you must have a DCA strategy suitable for your idle capital. your.

First, I would like to tell you a valuable lesson in early 2023, at that time I invested in the XCN token when it was divided nearly 20 times from the peak. Before that, XCN had a time in the top 30 of Coinmarketcap, when I bought XCN in the region. Price 0.011$ divided 20 times from the peak and moved sideways for nearly 2 months. The story of DCA wrong way to start investing here, when the price of XCN continued to decrease by 10%, I kept buying, as long as I had capital left, I continued to buy, then the price continued to decrease by another 20 to 30%, then I withdrew my savings book. before the deadline to buy more, but the price continued to drop sharply and when the capital I invested was divided into 3, I ran out of money to continue DCA. At this time, I was depressed and deleted the phone app to try to forget for a while. After about 2 or 3 months, the price continued to decrease and at this time the capital was divided 5 times. Besides the mistake of not finding a good investment project, the biggest mistake is that I do not have a DCA capital division strategy and wait for good price zones to DCA.

Therefore, when the market enters a bearish phase, altcoins can divide up to 10 times from the most recent peak, so if you want to minimize the risk of loss, divide your capital into several parts and patiently wait for price ranges. If you DCA is good, when the project you invest in has been divided 10 times from the top, if you DCA properly, the average price you lose may only be divided by 2.


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