Li Hui reveals: Why do people prefer contracts and abandon spot trading? #etf #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #非农数据 $BTC

In a less serious lecture, Mr. Li Hui humorously explained why some people prefer to play contracts rather than buy spot trading directly in a bull market. He gave us a "crash course" with four ideas.

Imagine that small-capital gamers are in a spot market that is as slow as a snail, looking at other people's grasslands but can only ride on donkeys. They are eager to ride on the wild horse of leverage, soaring into the sky, and heading straight to the other side of wealth.

Then, imagine that you are a chef, but your diners only care about the speed of serving, not the taste. Contract trading is like fast food, which comes out quickly and gives you a sense of satisfaction. It makes your dopamine spray like a fountain, making you unable to sleep at night and get up early in the morning. Your mood is like a roller coaster, thrilling and exciting.

Let's talk about the word fairness. It is a golden sign in the contract world. Whether it is a bull market or a bear market, you can find opportunities to make money, just like there is always a dress that suits you no matter spring, summer, autumn or winter. And what about spot? It is like an island with only summer. You can just stare blankly in other seasons.

Who hasn't heard of several legendary figures in the contract industry, such as Liang Xi, who made a lot of money. There are also those order-taking functions, as if to tell you: "Look, follow me, you can also have endless money." After watching it, many people thought: I also want to be that star who takes orders!

Then there is greed, indulgence, conceit and jealousy - these little devils in our hearts. Li Hui believes that these are all human nature. After all, perfection is a scarce commodity.

Li Hui said that there are two types of people who are most addicted: one is the adrenaline maniac who pursues excitement, and the other is the dreamer who dreams of getting rich overnight. These two types of people are loyal fans of the market and an inexhaustible source of jokes.

When Li Hui talked about why to play contracts instead of spot in a bull market, he used a humorous and vivid metaphor: Imagine that you are attending a luxurious banquet with a variety of delicious dishes on the table. But you choose not to taste the food directly in front of you, but instead chase the balloons floating in the air, hoping that the balloons can lead you to find the hidden grand prize.Isn't that a bit silly?

Li Hui explained that there are two types of people who are particularly prone to treating contract trading as gambling. The first type is the kind of people who are already in debt and are eager to quickly turn things around through contract trading, just like grabbing a life-saving straw. The second type is people who are completely ignorant and trade like they are betting on the size in a casino, without any strategy or consideration. These people may taste a little sweetness at the beginning, but they are likely to lose everything in the end.

To avoid this, Li Hui joked that the best way is to hide your wallet in a place where you can't even find it. Or set a one-month trading cooling-off period, and renew it for another month each time it expires, so that you have time to reconsider your decision.

Li Hui said seriously again, if you still can't understand why you should do spot instead of contract, then leave a message in the comment area, I will use professional knowledge and the spirit of calmness in times of crisis to assist each student one-on-one to achieve a long-term model of win-win cooperation!

In this volatile bull market, Li Hui believes that if you want to play the wild bull of contract trading, you must first understand the nature of this bull. Imagine that you have to understand your bull partner in order to perform amazing aerial trapeze in the big circus of the bull market.

Next, you need to master a lot of difficult moves like a trainer in an acrobatic troupe - that is, those trading skills that make people headache. Not only that, you also need to have the kind of iron determination and discipline, like a fitness expert who only eats healthy salads and never deviates from his training plan.

Li Hui believes that the most challenging thing is that you have to have a mentality and emotional control that is stronger than steel. Facing the ups and downs of the market is as difficult as watching your favorite TV series but trying not to spoil it.

Although all this sounds like a simple four-character formula of "unity of knowledge and action", it may be harder to really do this than to make a cat dance ballet. Most people may find that this is really a lifelong challenge, not just a few rounds of games.

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