I want to discuss contracts with you here. Many people told me that playing contracts is like gambling. I just want to ask you, do you really understand the tricks? There is a good saying that "once you enter the currency circle, it is as deep as the sea, and your moral integrity will be a passerby from then on." Many people should think that this sentence makes sense! Then let me ask you again, do you dare to go all in? Can you hold it? Wake up, everyone, not everyone can do this. Wait until you figure out the tricks inside and are not affected by any news and emotions before you say this. If you don't figure out the tricks inside, there will be dozens or even hundreds of you who will be wiped out in just one moment. If you are like this, why not give yourself a chance to look at a different currency circle with Wei Yi and see another blue sky and blue sea?

Hang Qing Review:

The afternoon rebound came to the intraday upward resistance line, but it did not break through, but fell back. In the afternoon, Wei Yi entered the short position near 63500 and 3100, and then left the market near 61600 and 3000. Dabing took more than 1900 points of space, and Yitai took more than 100 points of space. In the evening, it was short near 62800 and 3080, Dabing took more than 500 points of space, and Yitai took more than 30 points of space. Wei Yi also said that he could be short near the intraday upward resistance. After a period of trend, Wei Yi's thinking was correct.

Hang Qing Analysis:

From the current structural trend, although the intraday trend is oscillating, the bulls are also weak and have not given a good upward trend. The continuous pin test during the day is expected to open the downward space. In the evening, you can pay attention to the intraday upward resistance near 63000 and 63800. In the evening, you can still rely on the intraday thinking to rebound.

Big cake suggestion: short around 63000, target 60000

Auntie suggestion: short around 3100, target 2900$BTC $ETH #etf #比特币减半 #大盘走势