It fell early in the morning, and I silenced myself again. Many groups are silent again!

Last night, the lowest price of Bitcoin fell to around 62,200, and now it is around 63,000. No one dared to buy the bottom of this drop. The daytime line was still going well, but I didn’t expect it to fall and be silent at night. Now it feels like 60,000 is not safe, and there is infinite room for further decline. It is really difficult to play again.

The copycat is basically returning to its original position before the big drop, so you can only buy mainstream Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dog, and other stocks are unreliable now. The drop is fatal, and I dare not cover my position.

Maybe everyone is still afraid of war. The extinguished emotions have been rekindled. There are so many turmoil in the Middle East, and poor us have been affected again. The stock market and gold have both collapsed, so our currency circle has also fallen more.

The halving was not as expected, and I don’t know when the interest rate cut will come. It is rumored to be in June. These two months seem very short, and it has also wiped out everyone’s confidence.

In my opinion, the next May and June will be more difficult, not necessarily better than now. Let's encourage each other and welcome the arrival of the bull market!

I am Shenqing, a trader who is affectionate and dedicated. Please follow me and get more emotional value on the homepage. 😍

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