Approximately 2.52 million tokens were introduced đŸ€ź

This data includes temporary #memecoins and projects that have died out. The current number is also more than 5.7 times higher than the figure of 440,000 that existed at the end of 2021.

The period from January 1st to April 11th of this year witnessed the introduction of 540,000 new tokens, equivalent to an average of 5,300 new tokens being released per day in 2024.

In contrast, 2022 saw the introduction of 720,000 new tokens, and 2023 saw 830,000.

"Since this figure is already more than half of the 830,000 new tokens released last year, 2024 is on track to surpass 2023 in terms of the number of new tokens on the chain."

CoinGecko notes that the return of the memecoin season in late February this year led to a record high of 195,735 new tokens being introduced in March 2024.