Let me introduce myself briefly:

2007~2014 College laboratory technician

2015~2019 Suspended from school, product manager of Beijing Internet company

2019 Unemployed

2020 Realized the first property (sold it three years late due to resistance from parents)

2021 Entered the cryptocurrency circle, during which time I worked as an OTC merchant, moved bricks, assembled mining machines, DeFi, chain games, NFT, airdrops, frozen cards were deducted 100,000, etc., etc. Finally, I suffered a big loss on ust, with only a few hundred thousand left

2022 Sold the last property and exchanged it all for u

2023 Full warehouse of pie. But some key issues were not figured out at the time, so the boarding point was not very ideal

2024 Hold on, stay alive, and stay steady.

2025? Strive to land

In any field, you will not really grow without suffering a big loss. Especially the cryptocurrency world is a human testing ground and slaughterhouse, and there are all kinds of pitfalls waiting for you, so it is very, very difficult to make money here and take it away in the end. If you are not careful, you may be doomed.

The road ahead is long and difficult, but I always believe that everything I experience is the best arrangement