At the 4-hour level, the big positive K at 12-16 o'clock broke through the middle track and tried to stabilize, and then two negative Ks followed, breaking through the middle track again, and the downward channel opened again. Now the short position can continue to be held. Therefore, it is recommended to look down to 63,000 for BTC and 3100 for ETH. Don't pursue the maximum profit points. Nothing is absolute. Take profit rationally. Only by leaving the market at the right time can you win more and lose less. Then choose the direction of doing business according to the real-time market. At present, it is tentatively decided to do more on the callback. BTC: long around 63,300-62,800, target 65,000-65,800

ETH: long around 3120-3100. Target: 3200-3250