
Price: 1.2289 USDT
Change: +4.23% (24h)
Volume: 69.475M ARB, 84.303M USDT
Market Sentiment: Neutral

Technical Indicators:

Moving Averages:

MA(7): 1.2832 USDT
MA(25): 1.5007 USDT
MA(99): 1.8173 USDT

Support and Resistance:

Support: 1.1356 USDT, 1.0000 USDT
Resistance: 1.2700 USDT, 1.4000 USDT


Indicators are in neutral territory.


ARBUSDT is trading at 1.2289 USDT, up 4.23% in the last 24 hours. Volume is relatively high and market sentiment is neutral.

Technical indicators are not giving a clear signal at this time. Moving averages are trending upwards, but the price is trading below the 1.2700 USDT resistance level. Support levels are at 1.1356 USDT and 1.0000 USDT.

Binance Square Hour:

16:13 CEST: Price is trading at 1.2289 USDT. If the price breaks above the 1.2700 USDT resistance level, the uptrend could continue. If it remains below the resistance level, a downtrend could start.


This analysis is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. You should do your own research before making any investment decisions.
Technical analysis is an attempt to forecast future price movements by using past price movements and indicators. However, future price movements are uncertain and technical analysis is not always accurate.
You should always consider the risks involved when investing and never invest more than you can afford to lose.

I hope this analysis is helpful.

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