What will happen in 2024? It is unknown, but through the market trend, there will be countless clues. Through the study and analysis of these intricate information, many "truths" can be drawn.

At least two things are certain:

First, 2024 will definitely be the fourth bull market in the currency circle

Second, the main line in 2024 is WEB3.0

The mission of blockchain is to help mankind realize the vision of WEN3.0 and bring the virtual world into reality. Therefore, people who don’t understand always think that the circle is worthless and blockchain has nothing to do with currency. I have explained it before, and now I think everyone is right, and everyone can only accept things within their own cognitive scope.

There is only speculation in your circle, which of course has nothing to do with blockchain, because your essence is for this wealth opportunity, the current bull market. But for me, I see that the development of the future era will inevitably require the iteration and update of blockchain technology, and "tokens" are the cornerstone of the landing of blockchain applications. This is a question of "which came first, the chicken or the egg". Blockchain is the "chicken" and token is the "egg". The importance of the two is "different people have different opinions". Therefore, the trend of the currency circle in 2024 is unstoppable. The so-called following the trend is not to go long or to be fully invested, but to seize the hot track!

#BTC、 #ETH(以太坊) #Neo #web #wen