How to regain confidence and adjust your mentality after a failure in the cryptocurrency circle

1️⃣Don't stare at the numbers, but at the market trends. Don't let yourself be distracted by these trivialities. Focus on the more macro market and stop fussing about the micro numbers.

2️⃣ Make your own investment plan and don't care about what others say. Even if you lose money, it doesn't matter. You will keep fighting after repeated failures and accumulate enough experience. It's your turn to make money in the queue.

3️⃣ After making a plan, you still need to execute it perfectly. Other people's wins and losses have nothing to do with you. You don't need to compare your wins and losses with those of others. Always focus on executing your own plan.

4️⃣ Discuss with friends or experts who hold dissenting opinions before making a decision

5️⃣ Hold a short position and wait and see how your peers operate

6️⃣ Develop the habit of discussing with others before making a decision in life.

7️⃣ While being prudent and self-protective, you may wish to continue to try trading if the funds are sufficient.

8️⃣ Do simulated trading to increase self-confidence.

9️⃣ Verify whether your strategy is correct through discussions with others.

Finally, let me summarize that it is common to lose money in the cryptocurrency circle. Don’t use your life-saving money to speculate in cryptocurrencies, and don’t borrow money to speculate in cryptocurrencies! !

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