Binance Margin Trading Tutorial: A Beginner’s Guide (Including Trading Rules and Fees)

Today I bring you a video tutorial on leveraged trading on Binance Exchange. If you don’t have an account, click to register on

币安杠杆交易教程,币安杠杆交易规则及手续费What is leverage trading?

Leveraged trading is a way of trading assets using funds provided by a third party. Compared to a regular trading account, a leveraged trading account allows traders to access more funds and thus establish larger positions. Essentially, leverage amplifies trading results, allowing traders to earn greater returns on profitable trades. It is precisely because of this amplification effect that leveraged trading is popular in low-volatility markets such as the foreign exchange market. In addition to foreign exchange, leveraged trading is also widely used in the stock, spot and cryptocurrency markets.

Source of leveraged funds

In traditional financial markets, the funds used for leveraged trading are usually provided by investment brokers. In cryptocurrency trading, this part of the funds usually comes from two sources:

  1. Other traders. They can lend funds and charge a certain interest based on market supply and demand.

  2. Exchanges. Some cryptocurrency exchanges also provide leveraged trading services to users.

Binance Margin Trading Lending Fees:


The above is the Binance leverage trading tutorial, detailed content of Binance leverage trading rules and handling fees.

Risk Warning for Leveraged Trading

Although leveraged trading can magnify profits, it also magnifies trading risks. If the market moves in the opposite direction of expectations, high leverage may result in the loss of all principal or even an account overdraft. Therefore, when using leveraged trading, you must pay attention to controlling your positions, strictly abide by the stop-loss discipline, and do not blindly chase ups and downs.

The above is the beginner's guide to Binance leveraged trading. I hope it will be helpful to you who are ready to try leveraged trading. In actual operation, please be sure to act within your means and invest rationally. If you want to know more about Binance leveraged trading, please pay attention to other related articles on Script House. I wish you a smooth transaction!

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