What is the Binance referral code? Binance invitation code can enjoy 20% handling fee for life

#币安推荐码 R851UX3N

Benefits of filling in the referral code when registering on Binance - 0-20% handling fee reduction

Many new users find that they need to fill in the referral code when registering on Binance. What are the benefits of filling in the referral code? It turns out that filling in the referral code can reduce the handling fee by 0-20%. If you are preparing to register on Binance, you might consider filling in a referral code, because this can save you a lot of transaction costs.

What is the Binance referral code

The Binance referral code, also called the Binance invitation code or Binance referral ID, is a special link provided by Binance for old users. When a new user registers on Binance through this link, the system will automatically identify which old user recommended the new user. In this way, the old user can get a certain percentage of the transaction fee cashback as a reward.

Benefits of filling in the referral code

For new users, the biggest benefit of registering with a referral code is that they can enjoy the handling fee reduction discount. According to the settings of the old user, new users can reduce the handling fee by up to 20%.

As you can see, if new users register through the referral code, they can enjoy a 0%, 5%, 10% or 20% fee reduction. For users who trade frequently, this is undoubtedly a considerable savings.

How to get a Binance referral code

If you have friends who use Binance, you might as well ask them for a referral code. If you can't find a suitable referral code for the time being, you can also use the following general referral code: R851UX3N

Use this referral code to register and you can directly enjoy a fee reduction of up to 20%.

Written at the end

Binance is currently one of the largest digital currency exchanges in the world. Using the referral code to register for Binance can not only save you transaction costs, but also bring certain benefits to the referrer. It can be said to be a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. If you are considering registering for Binance, you might as well find a suitable referral code and start your journey in the currency circle as soon as possible.