Eight Tips for Trading

Understand and Benefit for Life

First, if there is a sudden positive news for a product that has risen sharply, it is time to sell.

Second, if there is a sudden negative news for a product that has been falling for a long time, you can try to pay attention to it.

Third, when you encounter a 2-choice 1, the product you bought often does not rise, and the product you did not buy rises.

Fourth, the product you really want to buy often does not rise after you buy it, and the product you are reluctant to sell often keeps falling.

Fifth, market makers like customers to do short-term trading the most, and the main force likes you to play long-term trading the most.

Sixth, short-term trading depends on emotions, medium-term trading depends on indicators, and long-term trading depends on cycles.

Seventh, speculation is about expectations. The better the performance, the lower the valuation. It may have come to an end, such as the recent AI.

Eighth, pigs on the wind will fly, and the theme is to play short-term trading. Don't be superstitious about value investment.