When entering futures transactions, trade in amounts that you will not be upset about losing. Never start this business with all your money or by taking out a loan. Look, this crypto phenomenon committed suicide. We don't know if the reason was crypto. However, I saw that people lost all their savings in the 2021 lunar market. I waited for 3 years with a 95 percent loss in spot. My loss is still 50 percent, but I have my tokens. One day it will definitely rise. Don't be greedy when it rises. Withdraw your principal money. continue with the profits. Never invest in a single token, as in the case of Luna and FTT. Your money may disappear suddenly in a single token. When investing in tokens that have gone up too high, be aware that they can go down a lot. Always have cash on hand. This market is very volatile because exchanges have to create liquidity. That's why they sometimes slap the shorts and sometimes the longs. Remember, small investors are anchovies in this market where millions of dollars revolve. It is not difficult to be eaten by whales. But most importantly, life is more valuable than crypto and money.