Stanley Kroll, Wall Street investment guru: When trading, you must pursue simplicity, so simple that you don’t need to use your brain to think, and don’t be superstitious about complex technical analysis methods!

Stanley Kroll: Many people are obsessed with technical analysis, and think that one method is not easy to use, so they superimpose several technical methods and become addicted to it.

Stanley Kroll: When trading, you must pursue simplicity. The way is simple, but it is difficult to stick to it. When you see others making dozens or even dozens of times the profit, you suddenly feel that your 10% profit is not good. In fact, there is no need to think about the problem in this way! It is difficult for you to stick to your original intention when you are disturbed by the noisy noise from the outside world!

Mingge’s trading motto: keep, it, simple (keep it simple)