
I am from the IT area and in my journey through the exciting world of Blockchain and in the particular case of cryptocurrencies, I have interacted in several facets

- Studying about them

- Writing contents

- Teaching some courses

- Making investments

- Researching

 In this opportunity 4 students of the sociology area asked me for support for a study they are developing on the subject of cryptocurrencies, I take the opportunity to develop this first content with interesting data that emerge from this study.

The research and data collected by the students were from the field by means of a direct survey to a sample of people from the community.

The information requested from the people, all of them belonging to my community

o Age

o Gender

o Occupation

o Monthly income

o Nationality

A second research is planned with data taken using social networks to cover other demographic areas.

 The direct questions to the respondents were.

- Knowledge and experience with cryptocurrencies:

- Time interacting with cryptocurrencies.

- Have you made investments and for what purpose

- What is the primary use of cryptocurrencies?

- Are the investments long term or just exchange,

- Do you consider cryptocurrencies a good long-term investment?

- Do you know the risks associated with investing in cryptos?

- What fear would make you sell all your cryptocurrency investments?

- What is your perspective on the future of cryptos?

- What is your investment portfolio, cryptocurrencies of your preference?

- Would you like crypto to become legal tender?

- What do you think about the environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining?

- If you do not accept cryptocurrencies, please indicate the reason why

- Do you feel safe trading cryptocurrencies?

- Are you afraid of being swindled?

- Do you consider the regulation of cryptocurrencies to be important?

 From the results of the previous survey a detailed study will be elaborated, however I will be sharing the partial results as we have them at hand, it is an extensive work and it will take time to be fully analyzed.

That is why we presented the first evaluation to be considered and the results were as follows

- Knowledge and experience in cryptocurrencies:

- What is the primary use of cryptocurrencies,



Means of payment

Receiving remittances

In this first installment we evaluated the people who use cryptocurrencies, what they use them for, their nationality, gender and profession or occupation.

When asked about whether they know and use cryptocurrencies by age range,

the results were as follows

What cryptocurrencies are used for

On the profession or occupation of persons using cryptos

Gender of crypto users

Finally, the nationality of those who were found to be using cryptos


The primary conclusion of this first study was as follows

It does not surprise me according to the results obtained that the vast majority of cryptocurrency users in my community are traders, since most of them use them as a means of payment, to accept cryptocurrencies in their businesses, that is important as a refuge since the national currency has a strong and accelerated devaluation, that is why they seek refuge in stable cryptocurrencies or dollar currencies. I am not surprised by the nationality either, since most of them are Asian and Arab traders, however a good sector that does not know cryptos and their benefits are willing to learn and use cryptocurrencies.

What did surprise me was the fact that many women who work at home use cryptocurrencies and then I understood that they are advised by relatives abroad and use them under supervision to receive remittances sent to them monthly for their food expenses, it is known the bad economic situation of my country with a high degree of inflation.

Another important fact is that several people surveyed who do not use cryptocurrencies are willing and interested in receiving induction on the subject, mostly young traders, initiatives like this can serve in their communities and generate additional income by teaching courses to interested people in their communities. In this relationship everyone wins and cryptos will have a better adoption.

