Its not about war - its war for sell our positions

**Understanding the Current Bearish Market: It's Not Just About War**

The financial markets are experiencing a bearish trend, btc , eth sol everything is bleeding,with many investors concerned about the potential causes. While it's easy to attribute market downturns to geopolitical tensions or global crises, the current bearish sentiment isn't solely due to such events. In fact, during the height of the coronavirus pandemic in 2021, the market reached all-time highs⁔⁶⁷⁞âč.

**The Real Culprits: Market Manipulation and Big Money**

The true drivers behind the current market conditions are believed to be market manipulation and the actions of 'big money'—the whales of the investment world. These entities often induce panic selling among average investors, only to buy back assets at lower pricesÂčÂčÂčÂČÂčÂłÂč⁎. This tactic is not new and has been observed across various asset classes, including cryptocurrencies.

**The 2021 Crypto Market: A Case Study in Volatility**

Even when the world was grappling with COVID-19, the cryptocurrency market soared to unprecedented heights, only to face significant corrections later on. This volatility was not merely a reaction to the pandemic but also a result of market manipulation tactics such as pump-and-dump schemes and whale movements⁔⁶⁷⁞âč.

**The Strategy: Hold, Hold, Hold**

In light of these market dynamics, a common piece of advice circulating among investment communities is to 'hold' onto assets during times of market panic. The rationale is that, over time, markets have historically recovered from bearish phases, and those who resist the urge to sell in panic often reap the benefits when the market eventually rebounds.

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