History will not simply repeat itself!

The big plunge in the past two days has made many people feel a little nervous. The big cake fell by 16% in two days, and those altcoins fell even more terribly, with some falling by almost 50%.

Some people are holding on, some are liquidated, and no one dares to speak out, as if waiting for an inevitable "baptism". Watching the money in the account getting less and less, we are helpless!

Recalling the big bull market in 2021, according to the laws of history, we should be in the second trough now. The big dive last night directly broke the stable situation of nearly a month, and the bottom also hit a new low! As for whether the daily line will set a new high next, no one can say for sure.

But I know that every time before the big bull comes, those highly leveraged long accounts will be "looted" and even those brothers with weak will will be thrown off the car. However, I bought some spot yesterday and today in batches. It may still fall, but I know that I will not lose money if I buy big cake at this price, and those big investors will not take advantage of me!

If you haven't got on the bus yet, you have to hurry up and prepare "ammunition". In the last big correction, big cake fell by about 55%. How much will it fall this time? Let's wait and see. Chuyi recommends that big cake should account for at least half of your position. Buy it as soon as it falls, hold on to the chips, and don't be shaken off the bus.

Remember, when others are afraid, it's time to be greedy! Now this bull just stops to drink water. When it is full, it has to continue to rush forward!

If you don't know how to screen value coins, then just listen to me.

Buy #bebe , okay? Buy Bebe and hold it

Must buy Bebe

Buy Bebe

Buy Bebe


