In the future game GTA VI, it may be possible to earn and withdraw cryptocurrency, several publications write, including Forbes magazine. There have been no official comments from the developers yet. Players will be rewarded for completing some missions not in the form of in-game money, but using some kind of “Bitcoin equivalent”. According to some reports, a certain cryptocurrency will completely replace in-game dollars. The new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series should be based on a Play-to-Earn model, where in-game coins can eventually be exchanged for real monetary assets. A broker dealing with cryptocurrency on the stock market will appear inside the game. It is still unknown when the official announcement will happen, much less the release of GTA VI. In August 2022, representatives of Rockstar, the developer of GTA, announced that work on a new part of the series was proceeding at an active pace. The game's budget, the creators assure, will exceed the most expensive projects: Cyberpunk 2077 ($330 million), Destiny 2 ($500 million) and Star Citizen ($550 million). #Bitcoin #gta6