The Fed announced that the original three interest rate cuts would be reduced to one, which greatly reduced the expected interest rate cuts. The market was affected to a certain extent and responded with a decline. The three major U.S. stock indexes also plummeted collectively, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeting by 1.24%, the Nasdaq by 1.62%, and the S&P by 1.45%. In addition, the BTC halving is imminent, and the original positives have become negatives. However, when the negatives are exhausted, the rise will still rise. The bullish thinking remains unchanged. Now is also the time to pick up cheap chips. If you didn’t pick them up during the previous decline, do you want to miss it now?

Many value coins have entered the bottom after two consecutive pins in the past two days. If you enter now, you will be trapped for a maximum of two months. You dare not enter when others are panicking. Do you wait until the price of the big cake is 80,000 or 100,000, and then you go to buy the bottom and be trapped for another four years?

In my previous article, I published several value coins that can be used now. Interested friends can now start to build a base position. Auntie Dabing can also hold a little appropriately. In May, a BTC ecological project will be launched, which can be pledged for airdrops. I will announce it to you in a few days.

#比特币减半 #大盘走势 $BTC $ETH