Last night continued to be a sleepless and tearful night for Long Future as well as full of despair for Spot. At least MM still has the kindness to let us burn on Friday and Saturday so we can have a weekend to think. But if I still have to go to work this morning, it's really vailonluon.

Around 3 o'clock last night there was a news report about Iran launching up to 100 drones towards Israel and then just a few minutes later btc's price dropped another 6k. And this is said to be the main reason for the decline last night.

Well, in my previous post, I said that no matter what, there would be another drop, but I hadn't planned on dropping it the next day.

The other night (Friday and early Saturday morning), after collapsing twice, I lost more than 35k (in my previous post, I told you why I finished eating and then offered my food back to the floor that night). )

And yesterday morning (Saturday), I got rid of all future money to collect the spot for 3 beats, yesterday morning it was 1 beat and this morning it was 1 beat, there's 1 more beat just in case.

And I left exactly 10u in my futu account to play to reduce my addiction. But those dogs also licked my 10u, always intending to share their fate. This morning, I woke up at 4am and was shocked to see that 10u of long eth had been liquidated, so the total of 2 days I flew was about more than 35k + 10u, thank you. But they eat from the top of their heads to their heels, oh what acnhan.

But in return, this is an opportunity to collect spot products, if you divide them up and collect them, you will make a big profit by 2025. The question is whether you have enough faith until then or not, or just jump in and out. In the end, all that's left is the belt. (If you have free time, please review my previous posts to understand the serious psychological mistakes that you often make)