When I woke up this morning, everyone was in an uproar. I opened my eyes and found that the market had a big correction. This made many people lose confidence.

Various voices have been heard, such as the black swan of war, and the short-lived bull market will soon end. Some friends even said that Bitcoin is a tool for Americans to reap global wealth.

If you have only entered this circle in the past six months, then this may be the first time you have seen the cruelty of the cryptocurrency circle. You came here because of the increase and high returns, but the Bitcoin train is fueled by the wealth of countless "smart people"

In a bull market, the rise and pullback are a healthy process.

By the time we react, it’s too late. Just like I kept saying last year that it looks like garbage now, but there is gold everywhere in the bull market.

But if you have a contract, then your position may be gone in the process of going back and forth.

The current situation is very similar to the situation on August 18 last year. I remember it very clearly. On that day, BTC fell back from 30,000 to 24,000. This time the callback is not that big, but the panic sentiment in the market is almost the same.

But since then, BTC has started a 6-month long upward trend.

I often joke:

This is a very new concept. If you cannot withstand a 70% drop in three days, do not invest in cryptocurrency.

Such people could not see Ordi/Atom at that time, nor did they believe in the DA module blockchain, would never see the Bull Market, and would not believe in any MEME.

If BTC comes out, they would rather have hot pizza than BTC. In their hearts, they don’t believe in any possibility of making money in the medium and long term.

In their eyes, there is only cutting and being cut, only short-term gambling, and only quitting when they see the profit. When I say this, many people will feel hurt, but let it be. The bull market is coming, and it is too late to cut, and you can only be confused.

Calm down, we are long-term players. Yesterday, Bitcoin plummeted. There were all kinds of voices in other groups, such as going to 50,000, crashing, short selling, etc. These are all very impetuous behaviors. There are no such voices in our community. Why?

We are all like-minded players. The pullback in the bull market is not a risk but an opportunity for us. You must understand this truth. Several friends asked me how to analyze the trend. After I told them this truth, they all felt relieved. They should cover their positions and sleep instead of watching the market nervously.

In a bull market, you should do less operations. Your mentality is very important. Let me tell you about my mentality. You should think like this: if it goes up, I should be happy, right? This shows that my decision has been verified. If it goes down, I should be even happier. Why? Because I can get chips at a lower price.

A fan asked me before, looking at the current housing market and the upcoming bull market in the cryptocurrency circle, can I pledge my house and go all in?

I said absolutely not, don't borrow money to speculate in B, don't add leverage on or off the market

There is no doubt that Bitcoin outperforms the house in a cycle

But Bitcoin outperforming the house does not mean that you can eventually hold Bitcoin and outperform the house. These are two completely different things! !

So you must not sell or mortgage your only house to speculate in cryptocurrencies. This is the beginning of amplifying your gambling nature. What good results can a person who amplifies his gambling nature come to a big casino? There are many houses for you to choose from. Think about whether you are suitable for investment before making a decision.

If you use borrowed money or leverage, can you really hold on to it if you encounter today's situation? You can't help but sell it, but it's hard for me to resist.

Based on the current or next few months' price, who will outperform whom in about two years? Normally speaking, Bitcoin will definitely outperform real estate. However, the most dangerous part of investing in Bitcoin (coin) is not the short-term profit or loss, but whether you have enough determination to hold on to an upward trend, not to short-term, not to be afraid of the retracement in the middle, not to touch the leverage contract explosion, not to be run away or stolen, not to touch the capital plate gambling, etc. The answer lies in yourself.

The cryptocurrency world is not all about luxury cars, beauties and decadence, nor is it all about bloody gamblers who make money and whose contracts are liquidated.

You can also have your own methodology, your own investment philosophy, and your own persistence, and earn the money you deserve.

Think well, invest well, live well.

I've finished writing, come on

I am Qiqi. If you want to dig deeper into the cryptocurrency circle but can’t find a clue, and want to get started quickly, please read the main article #比特币减半 #ENA #WIF $SOL $BNB