#ENA #saga #比特币减半

A big crash, the entire network liquidated 800 million US dollars, is now the most suitable time to buy the bottom?



This wave of bad news actually started after the ICP data on the 11th came out, Wall Street exploded, and financial giants pessimistically predicted that the Federal Reserve would delay the interest rate cut.

So now, US stocks, gold, and cryptocurrencies are all falling. There is no obvious positive signal at present.

A deeper guess is that this postponement news, plus the original Bitcoin halving, traitors + miners running away, may still have shocks!

The US dollar is rising, but you have to look at the second point:

The situation in the Middle East! It's getting tense again.

Brother Dao's previous article said that the extension of the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut is very unfavorable to the current President Biden,

Then this old Deng may have other small moves in order to be re-elected.

For example, the United States' conventional operations! The calculations continue to be on Middle East oil!

According to CCTV News, on April 1, the consular building of the Iranian Embassy in Syria was attacked by Israeli missiles. After the attack, the spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry strongly condemned it and bluntly stated that Iran would reserve the right to take countermeasures.

If Iran and Israel fight, oil prices will definitely rise, and interest rate cuts will be delayed!

Look at Biden. He is absolutely capable of deterring war, but if a war really breaks out, it will be effective for his election. This is an election year, and everyone must understand.

It's helpless, but this is reality...

Of course, the bull is unstoppable. It's a matter of time. It seems that BTC will be delayed in breaking through the 10w crazy bull era. Of course, this round of bull market will last longer. This is the view at the beginning.

If you don't know what to do, and want to keep up with every big market and big news, click on my avatar, follow Brother Dao, and read the previous article. (As a blogger who only does facts, I only post useful big things.)