Ethereum 2024.4.13 Morning Review 10:20

This round of trend is short. We published 3720 in the morning review at 6:30 on April 9th. After entering the market as the first whistleblower of this round of shorts, we determined that the shorts intended to engulf the bullish K-line on the weekly line, and the closing of the weekly upper shadow was to pave the way for breaking through 3180 and opening up the downward space. The market unfolded as we predicted‼ ️In this round of shorts, the commanding heights of 3720, 3616, the average price of 3587, 3548, and the investors who entered the market at 3520 yesterday, all have made a large floating profit and continue to hold 🀄️‼ ️

After we determined the head stage of the trend, we repeatedly reminded everyone that this is a round of magnificent 🈳️. In the process of testing the right shoulder, we predicted that it would be in the range of 3548-3598. As a result, the market reached a high of 3618, which was only 5 points away from our previous level of breaking through the position and chasing the short at 3623 points. We immediately determined that this round of short positions was established, and the 3616 short position was successfully entered. Dear investment friends👬, every penny we earn in the currency market can only be within our cognition💰. If we do not have the ability to accurately analyze the top and bottom of the big structure, and accurately capture the kinetic energy exhaustion at each level, how can we give it in advance in the post🀄️‼ ️, you can look back at our posts and earn 🌈 wealth in the trend in the currency market. Please become our fans as soon as possible and continue to follow👀our posts, and you will share this round of magnificent short feast‼ ️

At present, all short positions continue to be held steadily. The 3180 range has effectively fallen 📉📉📉 and broken, and continued to move 👀🈳️ to the 2980-2880 area.