Graphic tutorial for Chinese users to register Binance:

How to register an account on Binance official website

1: Go to Binance official website or download Binance App

First, you need to visit Binance official website or download Binance App. If you are a new user, you can use the referral code: RFHBT7IA

to register to enjoy a 20% rebate, the highest rebate at present.

Binance official website registration link:

If you use an Apple device, please go to the App Store in non-US areas to download the Binance App (such as Taiwan). If you use an Android device, be sure to go to the official website to download the App.

2: Register an account

On the registration page, you can choose to register using a +86 mobile phone number or email address. Please be sure to set a strong password and fill in the referral code: RFHBT7IA to enjoy the rebate.

3: Perform identity authentication

In order to improve account security and transaction limits, you need to perform identity authentication. First, choose to use your ID card for real-name authentication. Then, you need to provide your ID card information and perform face recognition.

4: Enable two-step verification (2FA)

To further protect your Binance account, it is recommended that you bind Google Authenticator or Binance Authenticator to enable two-step verification (2FA). This will increase the security of your account and ensure that only you can access your account.

#币安注册 #注册币安 #币安注册大陆

After completing the above steps, you have successfully registered and set up a Binance account. Now you can start using Binance to deposit and withdraw cryptocurrencies.