The recent Bitcoin market is like a roller coaster, with $70,000 flying up and down, playing long and short

🤷‍♂️. Leverage players' stop losses were hit 💥. High-level fluctuations, just hold the currency and wait for the halving market, don't think about long and short double-eat😜.

Interestingly, BTC rose during non-US stock market hours, and the US stock market crashed as soon as it opened, as if it had become the "little lover" of the Americans😏, and they only care about their own baby, and others can't touch it😅

Analysts at JPMorgan Chase warned that despite the market rebound, cryptocurrency venture capital funds are still "sluggish" this year, so there is potential downside risk. In addition, analysts reiterated that they believe the US SEC will eventually approve the spot Ethereum ETF.

Fed Collins: This year may need to postpone or reduce interest rate cuts, which means that this year's policy easing may need to be less than previously expected.

$BTC $ETH #大盘走势 #比特币减半