#CPI数据 #大盘走势

Eight kinds of world's top thinking

1. Murphy’s Law:

The more you fear something, the more likely it will happen.

2. Giedlin's law:

By writing the problem down clearly, half of the problem is already solved.

3. Gilbert’s Law:

The biggest problem at work is that no one tells you what to do.

4. Hun Ersen’s law:

Put information and money first and the money will follow.

5. Falkland’s Law:

Don't make decisions when you don't have to.

6. Peter Principle:

Whether you can be promoted to a higher position in a hierarchy has no direct relationship with how well you are doing your current job.

7. Broken windows theory:

If something is damaged and not repaired in time, it will breed more negative events.

8. Washington’s Law of Cooperation:

Having more people does not necessarily mean efficiency. If you want to prevent infighting, you must formulate appropriate systems.