Aleo's official DC channel released several proposals today:

1. The latest proposal on the “Aleo Mainnet Launch Competition”

Proposed by Neiro (Level: Aleo Ambassador Master), the proposal is as follows:

You can host a simple application competition on Aleo. The idea is to give developers a chance to try out private applications using ZKP technology.

We could distribute a range of awards (just like development grants). We could do several categories.

1. A simple app created by 1 person.

2. Complex application created by 1 person.

3. Simple applications created by the team.

4. Complex applications created by teams.

It remains to be determined what the complexity of applications are, and what are considered simple and complex.

Furthermore, the evaluation criteria should be objective enough and outlined in advance so that participants can follow them when developing their applications.

2. The latest proposal on “introducing different roles in the community to complete tasks and reward them”

Proposed by Neiro (Level: Aleo Ambassador Master), the proposal is as follows:

Different characters can be introduced in Discord as rewards for completing tasks. There will be 3 levels of characters if possible, which will show the level of knowledge of the Aleo blockchain.

For example: the role "Advanced User" - will receive 30% of the points; the role "In-depth Knowledge" - will receive 60% of the points; the role "Computer Geek" will receive 90% of the points.

This can increase the user’s interest in the task, people like the characters and getting the characters will motivate them to learn about Aleo, and the audience will become more knowledgeable.

III. The latest proposal on “establishing user guide”

Proposed by emil_pepil (Level: Aleo Ambassador Master), the proposal is as follows:

It is recommended to create an official tutorial for the general public and publish it on the Aleo website.

For general users a user guide with terminology, examples, and possible ways to use the Aleo blockchain on existing ecosystem-specific applications.

Currently, everything is scattered across different articles and threads describing different elements of Aleo. There is no unified, structured material that can consistently guide users through the world of ZK and showcase the benefits of Aleo.

I think the need for such a tool will become increasingly important as we go through the mainnet. After all, we expect a huge influx of new users who will need an easy way to explain the fundamentals and teach them how to interact with the blockchain. It would be nice to have an official manual. (The MetaMask wallet has something similar).

4. The latest proposal on "Creating online courses for Leo developers"

Proposed by emil_pepil (Level: Aleo Ambassador Master), the proposal is as follows:

I suggest creating an online course for developers in the Leo language.

It can be done in the form of recorded video lessons. This will help developers understand the peculiarities of creating applications using the Leo language.

You can also hold online meetings with developers, which will present current development issues and pass on experience to more experienced colleagues. Guest speakers give presentations on specific topics.

In this way, we can make it easier for new developers to enter the Aleo ecosystem, establish communication between developers and build a good network.

5. The latest proposal on "regularly holding Aleo hackathons"

Proposed by emil_pepil (Level: Aleo Ambassador Master), the proposal is as follows:

New developers: I think holding a hackathon on Aleo will attract a lot of new developers from other ecosystems.

New applications: They can also try to develop prototype applications in Leo. Aleo will increase the number of users through this.

Networks and Teams: New acquaintances and partners will help create new teams and projects, potentially strengthening the Aleo ecosystem.

Sharing of experience: The Aleo team, already established ecosystem projects (Demox Labs, Monadicus, Supranational, Puzzle, Kryha, etc.) can share their experience with more developers. Maybe new collaborations and partnerships will emerge. Some teams will be able to replenish their ranks and strengthen themselves with talent.

According to the new economic model recently released by Aleo, the initial supply of Aleo is 1.5 billion, of which 25% is allocated to the public, or 375 million. However, the official has not yet given specific details on how the public portion will be allocated. Once the above proposal is finally approved by the official, participants will have the opportunity to receive points rewards, especially developers can pay special attention.

Aleo's latest official Twitter account reposted the Chorus One article

Aleo: Presenting the privacy-centric future of blockchain

Imagine a world where online interactions don’t come at the cost of your privacy. Here you can participate, trade, and share data on your own terms, shrouded in the cloak of cryptography. This is the future envisioned by Aleo, a revolutionary blockchain project that opens the door to a privacy-centric internet. Let’s take a deep dive into Aleo and explore its technology, the players, and the diverse ecosystem it fosters.

What is Aleo?

At its core, Aleo is a layer 1 blockchain that leverages zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) to unlock unprecedented possibilities for private applications. ZKP allows users to prove the legitimacy of information without revealing the underlying data itself. This means that users can confidently participate in applications that interact and share data while their privacy remains more sacred.

Key Terms

Credit: Credit is the native asset of the network. It is used to pay for the deployment and execution of zero-knowledge programs. Credit can also be pledged on the network as a form of governance to protect the integrity and security of the protocol.

Microcredit: Microcredit is a subdivision of a local asset (credit). A credit can be further divided into smaller units, a microcredit is one millionth of a credit.

Verifiers: Provers are nodes on the network that compute zero-knowledge proofs. These proofs can be divided into two types (solutions and transactions) and are essential for verifying and securing transactions and activities on the network.

Solution: In the context of zero-knowledge proofs, a solution proves the execution of a randomly sampled Aleo program. When the prover successfully proves that execution, rewards are distributed among the provers and stakers on the network.

Transaction: A transaction proves the execution of a user-deployed Aleo program. When a prover provides a valid transaction proof, transaction fees are rewarded and distributed to the network.

Stakers: These are people who contribute to network security by locking up their Aleo Credits (ALEO) and receive rewards.

Validators: Similar to traditional blockchains, validators verify transactions and secure the network, ensuring its integrity and preventing fraud.

The technology behind it:

Aleo's powerful architecture is based on three key pillars:

Leo (Programming Language) A user-friendly Rust-based DSL designed to simplify ZKP development and remove barriers for programmers unfamiliar with complex cryptography.

snarkOS (network layer): A permissionless and scalable network built specifically for ZK-powered smart contracts, enabling secure and private on-chain execution.

snarkVM (virtual machine): A powerful virtual machine optimized for ZKP, providing efficient proof generation and unlimited runtime to satisfy even the most complex applications.

A Deeper Look at Aleo’s Consensus Mechanism - AleoBFT

AleoBFT is a DAG-based BFT protocol inspired by Narwhal and Bolshak. Validators propose to transfer batches, wait for 2+1 signatures, verify the batches, and advance rounds synchronously to obtain an honest majority. In an odd-numbered round, validators elect a leader for the previous even-numbered round, ensuring that the availability threshold is met. This process ensures that all validators are moving forward together, assuming honesty.

The following are the quorums required to achieve block production in even rounds:

1. Leader election for f + 1 proposals in the next (odd) round:

The leader has batch certificates in even-numbered rounds and at least 2f + 1 batch certificates in the preceding (odd-numbered) rounds.

The leader has a batch certificate for an even-numbered round that contains at least f + 1 batch certificates for the next (odd-numbered) round.

2. Achieving a quorum of 2f + 1 without a leader in an even round:

If the wait for a leader times out, and there are more than 2f + 1 batches of certificates without a leader in an even round, the validator can proceed without a leader.

Fuel Power - Aleo Points (ALEO)

The native token of the Aleo ecosystem, Aleo Points (ALEO), has multiple uses:

Staking: As mentioned earlier, users can stake Aleo Points to contribute to network security and earn rewards.

Fees: Certain network operations incur fees payable in Aleo Points to incentivize proper resource utilization and network sustainability.

Governance: In the future, Aleo Points are expected to play a vital role in community governance, allowing holders to participate in shaping the development of the network.

How Aleo Points are distributed


Foundations (6%)

Strategic partners (8%)

Company (10%)

Employees and Contributors (16%)

Public allocation (25%)

Early adopters (35%)

As rewards were distributed, the total number of Aleo Credits in circulation grew to 2.6 billion in 10 years.

The inflation rate has fallen over time from around 12% in year 1 to 2% in year 10, and closer to 0% over time.

In 10 years, more than 50% of Aleo Credits will be distributed to the public.

Design of AleoBFT

AleoBFT operates on a set of simple data structures - committees, batch proposals, and blocks. Let’s look at these one by one:


● Committee formation and membership: Validators, staking at least 1,000,000 credits, collectively manage a round and decide on the BFT protocol until the next committee. It includes the launch round, total stake and committee members and their stake and openness to delegators.

● Bonding and unbonding: Validators and delegators can bond and unbond in each round, allowing new members to join or existing members to leave. New validators require 1,000,000 points, while existing validators must maintain this amount.

●Leader election: A cryptographic hash function selects a leader for each even-numbered round, taking into account the round number, the number of validators, and their stakes.

Batch Proposal: In each round, each committee member proposes a batch for certification, using batch proposals to communicate and maintain consensus on the state of the DAG. Each batch proposal contains a batch ID, a batch header, and a batch certificate.

Block: When the commit rule is activated in AleoBFT, a block is created. It includes a block header, a list of batch certificates, approvals, resolutions, transactions, and abort transfer ID lists. Aleo's thriving ecosystem

The true mark of a successful blockchain is its ability to foster a vibrant community and diverse applications. Aleo has a rapidly growing ecosystem with projects already exploring its potential in a variety of areas:

●Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Multiple DeFi projects are building privacy-preserving lending, borrowing, and trading protocols on Aleo.

●Data Sharing and Management: Platforms are emerging to enable secure and controlled data sharing between individuals and organizations. ●Supply Chain Management: Aleo’s technology has the potential to track goods and materials through complex supply chains while protecting sensitive information.

●Healthcare and Personal Data: Projects are exploring the use of Aleo to securely store and manage highly sensitive medical and personal data.

Talking about recent updates - Aleo is now considered one of the top 5 fastest growing ecosystems for developers overall. Additionally, Aleo has completed a security audit of snarkOS and snarkVM performed by Trail of Bits.

Aleo strives to make the technical details of the project easier to understand. They simplify and explain the main basics in a simple way. For example:

The Future of Aleo

Sustainability: Aleo is committed to being eco-friendly and utilizes a unique consensus mechanism called Proof-of-Stake with zkSNARKs (PoS zk) that consumes much less energy than traditional proof-of-work blockchains.

Strong Partnerships: The project has partnered with industry leaders such as Chainlink and Parity Technologies, indicating its potential for future growth and adoption.

Development Roadmap: While still under development, the mainnet is expected to launch in the near future, and the development roadmap showcases ongoing improvements and exciting features that are on the horizon.

As a validator and staking infrastructure provider, Chorus One is impressed by Aleo’s pioneering approach to privacy in the blockchain space. The potential to unlock entirely new use cases and give individuals greater control over their data resonates deeply with our mission to build a more inclusive and accessible crypto ecosystem. We are particularly excited about the unique technology stack, including snarkOS and snarkVM, which pave the way for scalable and efficient privacy-preserving applications. We believe Aleo has the potential to have a significant impact on industries ranging from DeFi and healthcare to supply chain management, and Chorus One is proud to be a part of this journey. We look forward to actively contributing to the security and growth of the network through staking infrastructure, and look forward to witnessing the continued development of Aleo and the exciting applications it enables.

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