Nansen data shows that on-chain detective Zach .

According to previous news, Huang Licheng sued on-chain detective ZachXBT. ZachXBT published an article last year claiming that Huang Licheng misappropriated 22,000 ETH project funds. The lawsuit, filed on Friday in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, accuses ZachXBT of defaming Huang and causing him "serious reputational and pecuniary losses." Huang Licheng's lawyer stated in the complaint that ZachXBT not only continued to publish his defamatory articles on Medium, but also maliciously promoted it to his more than 300,000 Twitter followers, regardless of the damaging impact that public accusations of criminal conduct may have on the defendant personally. Article. In response, ZachXBT issued an article stating that Huang Licheng's lawsuit against him is baseless and that it will fight back to defend freedom of speech. ZachXBT has called on supporters to donate to support its legal defence, saying it expects costs to "easily exceed $1 million". Huang Licheng tweeted today: "I just wanted (ZachXBT) to apologize. Any monetary compensation I receive will be donated to charity."