Why can't you make money in the cryptocurrency world? Have you fallen into the three pitfalls? #热门话题

First of all, do you really invest enough time? I know that you think you spend all your time studying the cryptocurrency world except for work, but what's the result? Still losing money. I have to tell you that four hours a day is really not enough. Those professional cryptocurrency investors spend twelve hours a day on it, even eating and sleeping. Not to mention those big VCs and funds, they are multi-person, full-time, and go all out.

Secondly, do you have enough experience? Many newbies want to play contracts and borrow as soon as they come in. I tell you, don't mess around. First read the white paper honestly, study the fundamentals, and write some research reports. Don't always think about taking shortcuts. I have been in the industry for many years, and my friends around me have also experienced several rounds of bull and bear markets. Do you have the money you made, the lessons you lost, and the experience of being cheated during this period? Without experience and not much time invested, do you still want to make a lot of money?

Finally, do you have a trading system? Many people buy randomly after coming in. I saw a message and placed an order in two minutes. After ten minutes, I was panicked and wanted to sell immediately. How can this be done? You must have a mature trading system, know the macro trends, short-term capital movements, sector rotation, narrative points, etc. Without a system and strategy, you certainly can't make money. #BTC

So, if you want to make money in the currency circle, you have to invest enough time, accumulate experience, and build your own trading system. Don't think about reaching the sky in one step, take it slowly, and steady and steady is the kingly way.

If you don't know how to screen strong coins, then I suggest you follow me to read the homepage introduction and pin it to the top of the homepage. #Saga

Whether it is spot or contract, a slight move may be your limit. The opportunity is very short, so you must seize it! Success is not based on luck, choice is greater than hard work, and the circle determines destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having a sharp eye for judging the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. Follow me and you will be halfway to success in the currency circle! 小野的后花园