Main Image text: BTC


※As mentioned above, the bearer of the large-band downward consolidation on the 19th said on the 23rd that the bearer would not end his departure. He also informed that he would continue to accumulate funds on the 29th as mentioned on the 19th. Therefore, as long as it reaches a record high, we must pay attention to the possibility of a collapse.

※Following the previous article, many major events have been postponed to around April 9th ​​and 10th.

※Inheriting the 22 o'clock and 2 o'clock bearers from the previous article, we also saw a large number of bearers after 22 o'clock, setting a record low. It reached a new low near two o'clock.


★The air host may not intend to end, please pay attention to the air host’s information after 4 a.m. on the 10th. This information will tell whether a low is established after 11 am.

Or rebound first and not suppress after 11 o'clock.

No matter what kind, there are not many masters for the time being. Except for these two days, there are many events. But as mentioned before, someone is working on solving the incident.

As mentioned above, it becomes critical that the bearer becomes the bearer after the 11th. You should start to pay attention to whether the bearer will suppress it immediately after 8 a.m. on the 11th. As mentioned above, the Sky Lord will exist for many days, until the 18th. Should we suppress it as soon as possible and on the first day? Read on.

#大盘走势 #BTC

#內容挖矿 #內容挖礦 #TrendigTopic