If you are looking for ways to generate passive income for yourself outside trading cryptocurrency, then you need to have some of the in-demand skills. Different crypto projects need many skills to fill in the various positions needed to drive the project. 

Some of the skills that pay well in the crypto world include, 


If you are good at combining 1s and 0s be it as a frontend developer, smart contract auditor, blockchain developer, Full stack developer, etc, then the crypto world has so much room for you. You just need to be good with whichever niche you are into. Coding jobs pay the highest salary in the crypto world and you can work from the comfort of your home. You can also work on more than two projects at the same time provided you can handle it. 

Content Writing  (SEO)

If you are good at writing SEO-focused content, you will be able to make money for yourself with the skill. Many projects, especially new projects, need awareness. To get this awareness, they usually include in their marketing plan, SEO content creators who can get their projects to the top of search results. 

Outside SEO, having good writing skills can also help you earn because projects also hire professionals that will manage their publications. This job pays very well. 

Community Management 

Community Moderators are those who make sure that the group is safe, and that the community queries are attended to. They are the faces of the core team. This is another good-paying skill in the crypto world. Some of them are not demanding because they run through shifts while some are demanding, and the community moderator spends hours monitoring the group. The good thing here is that people are paid based on the hours and the scope of their work. 

Project Management 

This skill is a high-demand skill both in the crypto world and outside. Most Crypto projects have a position for a project manager that will help direct the affairs of the project. This is Another good-paying skill. 

Graphics Designing 

If you are looking for where to put your graphic design to work, then, the crypto world has much room for you. You just need to show projects that you have what it takes to manage their designs for them. 

Social Media Manager 

It is true that some Community Managers now do the job of a social media manager but this doesn't mean that there aren't any more opportunities for social media management. Some projects usually go for a specialist in social media management instead of using Community managers. So, if you are good at this skill, you have a place in the crypto world. 


This is a skill that almost every project needs. Marketing managers are not easily employed. Projects usually go for the best because a wrong marketing approach can ruin the reputation of the project. However, if you can land one, you will earn very well from it. 

The good thing about these jobs is that they pay in dollars. It is either a stablecoin or the native token of the project. For employees from low-tier countries, receiving payment in dollars is something huge. Another thing is that you get to work from the comfort of your home. Getting a crypto job helps you to earn two ways, from the job and from the crypto assets you are hodl/staking. This is why those who have crypto jobs are not affected by the bear market. 

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