For ordinary people, whether they invest in the cryptocurrency circle, they will return to zero or become rich overnight. The fundamental difference lies in cognition

Is the cryptocurrency circle heaven or hell for you?

No matter how long ordinary people wait and see when they come to this field, there will always be a point that makes you unable to help but participate, because the effect of getting rich overnight in this circle is too strong

There are only two results of participation. The first one is making money. No one will stop after making money, so how you make money is very important. If you make money by your own ability and cognition, congratulations on finding a way to continue to make money in this field. If you make money by luck, luck cannot be replicated. Next time, the next time, the result will be the second one

The second one: losing money. There is no lower limit to losing money. You will lose until you are afraid and have no capital to turn over. You can only give up your unwillingness and completely quit the circle

The fundamental reason for different results lies in cognition

For example, what do you think of investment, what is invested, what helps you make money, is it a certain currency you bought, or the bull market?

These are just illusions. What helps you make money through investment is not a certain 100x coin or the market situation. More people lose money on 100x coins, and more retail investors lose their fortunes in the bull market.

So what helps you make money through investment is your cognition and ability matching

If you have professional cognitive ability, you can make this money. No matter what the market situation is, you can be better than others

If you have the cognitive thinking of a leek, you are destined to lose money. Even if others help you make money for a short time, you will lose both the principal and the interest based on your strength

Just like when we open a store, we rely on decoration, products, marketing, and services to help us make a profit

In the financial field, we rely on "cognition "Brain" helps us make profits. We can think about entering this field. Have you ever really invested in your own brain?

After I entered my current community, I really awakened my consciousness and began to realize many truths of this world

The reason why rich people are always rich is that they never stop learning and growing. They are always constantly breaking through themselves. They leave things that can be paid to others to be done by professionals, leaving enough time for themselves to invest in their own brains, and the result is that they earn more wealth

The reason why poor people are always poor is that they always want to do everything by themselves, do not cooperate with others, fear being taken advantage of, fearing that they will suffer losses, and almost never spend time to invest in their own brains, let alone pay for learning. If they have time, they will do more things that save money and spend less money. As a result, they are getting poorer and poorer

There is a huge gap in cognition. How you use your money and time is the knowledge of investment.

Finally, I would like to share a sentence with you: if you are rich but don’t learn, you will not be rich for long; if you are poor but don’t learn, you will not be poor forever.

It is lonely to walk alone, and leeks need to walk in groups. The bull market is coming, and Jiuge Free Club Junyang welcomes everyone to join us, move forward hand in hand, live up to this bull market, and welcome the uncertain future with a certain group. Deduct 1 to join