VIP transaction number: #R132

Pair: $#ALPHA /USDT (Binance)

Direction: ⬆️

LONG position size: 5%

Leverage: 3x

Trade type: Standard T trade

Higher risk and lower leverage VIP positions, showing one of the highest ratings in the market.

Entry: 0.093 - 0.1133

(OTE: 0.101)

🔘Target 1 - 0.116

🔘Goal 2 - 0.119

🔘Goal 3 - 0.123

🔘Goal 4 - 0.128

🔘Goal 5 - 0.135

🔘Goal 6 - 0.150

🔘Goal 7 - 0.180

🔘Goal 8 - 0.220

🔘Goal 9 - 0.269

🚫Stop loss: 0.083

Risk: Medium/High