Things you should know when a new currency is listed, example #SAGA en #LAUNCHPOOL de #Binance to avoid setbacks, when you go to look for it about to be released, binance shows you a countdown (very useful as it keeps you alert) the detail is what you should have money in your spot wallet since if like many it is the first time and you have it in your funds wallet when you want to make a simple conversion the saga currency does not appear!!! and you lose that vital minute to have a good profit, and if you rush to futures when you look for the pair it will not be there either (making you waste more time) when you go and transfer money to your spot account while updating and you think it is some internet problem 5 minutes have already passed and it reached its maximum in that time (it can continue to vary, going up or down) but in that first minute is where you can capitalize your money faster and then sell and take a profit before the first 5 minutes, simple strategy at the end When a coin comes out, if your objective is to capitalize and sell quickly, have money in your spot account, you buy and sell there. At the time of listing the coin on Binance and you sell within 5 minutes, then you decide if your objective will be to hold it or forget about it.

THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE, you should always do your own research.