I've come across many trade signal groups on social media platforms like Telegram and Twitter. Some of these groups ask for registration fees, which can be quite high. I don't want to discourage you from seeking
trade signals, but I want to bring some important facts to your attention.
1. There are some traders called "whales" who have their trading groups. They keep an eye on public signals and wait for others to enter a trade. Once it's clear that these traders are trying to make a profit, the whales jump in and go against them, making money when those traders lose. Since whales have a lot of money, when the trade starts going against small traders, they panic and cut their losses, which helps the whales make even more profit.
2. Some signals are given by people who don't trade in the same direction. Not everyone giving signals is trustworthy.
In the end, the best thing to do is to study the market yourself and trade based on your analysis. Technical analysis and other tools don't guarantee success. A trade that seems to be going well can suddenly turn bad, so it's important to know when to take profits. Using high leverage can increase your profits, but it can also lead to big losses. It's better to use lower leverage and have a good amount of capital.
3. Cryptocurrency trading, especially futures trading, is uncertain and highly volatile. Traders use technical analysis and other tools to try and predict how the market might move. Sometimes they get it right, but sometimes they don't.
What does this mean?
In math, if you have an equation to solve and you know the variables and the final answer, you can use the right tools (formulas) to get the correct answer. But in trading, variables like crypto news, trading volume, and market direction are unknown. It's like solving an equation without a definite answer. The outcome depends on what happens during the day. If more people predict a certain direction, the trade favors them. Otherwise, it goes the other way.
Remember, the cryptocurrency market can't be predicted with certainty, so don't rely too much on analysis.
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