The cryptocurrency market has collapsed again! Is the bull market really over? What are the big players doing now?


We old leeks all know that Bitcoin has to fall before each halving, and the decline is about 20-30%. This halving will be around April 20.

The characteristic of this bull market is that the market has begun to predict in advance. Look at Bitcoin. In previous years, it only broke the previous high after halving. This time it is close to breaking, faster than in previous years.

But do you know? The longer the horizontal, the higher the vertical. The longer Bitcoin consolidates, the greater the height of the future explosion! The next round of big surge will not be too long, and the current price is underestimated.

The hot money USDT in the cryptocurrency market is still pouring in crazily, almost 110 billion US dollars, and it has not slowed down at all. According to the standards of the last bull market, the price of Bitcoin must reach 90,000 to be reasonable.

In the bull market, we have formed the best group on the Internet, sharing our experience and strategies for free, and keeping up with the bull market deployment. Whether it is a slow bull market or a sector rotation, we will never miss it. For details, click on the avatar and join Brother Yi, just to increase fans.

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