This post is Arthur's long-term post for investing. All listed projects are medium-term projects with financing of more than 10 million US dollars, or invested by Binance, Oui, and well-known European and American investment institutions. Junk projects are rejected.

Arthur believes that if one has assets under 5 million and wants to get rich quickly and steadily, the only way to get rich quickly and steadily is to make money.

It takes a certain amount of energy to play the game, persistence and a very small amount of money. The hardware requires a computer worth more than 2000+. Due to restrictions, more specific content cannot be written here. If you have any questions, please go to Arthur TG to check the tutorial details and Q&A. 1 person multiple openings, independent IP, environment construction, anti-witch and other advanced game consulting.


King-level public chain test network interaction 0


A must-try project, just released. After completing the basic tasks, check in every day. For those who don't know how to operate, search for Arthur in the currency circle on YouTube. There is a nanny-level tutorial.

NO.7 0撸----belongs to the jungler.

No wallet required

Click on the bind X, and then start doing the task. Note that after clicking on the first task you follow, click on any two of the following tasks, and click on each step directly without any operation. You can verify it directly to succeed.
Note: If you encounter a problem with binding X during registration and the page jump fails, please go to X to cancel the authorization and click the link again.

NO.6 Alienx Wild Mission. (Daily)

Create a new wallet, withdraw ETH worth 20U, and use ARB to transfer the channel to the new wallet. Note that it is ETH charged to ARB.


NO.5 xmeta plug-in installation AFK


Link your wallet, MINGT NFT first, write the longest domain name, the price is $1. Click all the links below except steam and carv to get the soul, and finally click the link above to get


Register, then bind the DISCORD email address X, and MINT an NFT first, which costs less than $1.

Then answer questions, bind various social accounts, and sign in daily to collect points.

NO.2 GRASS- 0撸

A project that has grown from a small one to a medium one. The principle is to collect your idle network resources to generate value.

Register and log in with your email address. Remember to use Google Chrome and install the GRASS plug-in. Just hang up every day. Currently, every 10,000 points = 32 dollars. Note that you need a ladder when logging in. After logging in, you will not log in again every day. Just hang up and refresh every day.


NO.1 Electric Sheep

The GAMEFI platform project invested by major institutions such as Binance is free and a must-win for the studio.
Permanent referral code:

The wallet should prepare 5U of OP_BNB for daily check-in of GAS.

One-time: Complete all tasks in MISSION first

Daily: Complete the EXPLORE task every day

FAQ: If you encounter lag in linked wallet, task loading bar, etc., just refresh.