$DOGE Token name: AI314

Token full name: AI 314 Protocol

Total amount: 100 billion

5% tax on trading, 2% destruction, 3% marketing

Reserve 20% for marketing/airdrop

Unlimited destruction mode, the larger the transaction volume, the more destruction, and the higher the coin price.

The new 314 protocol model eliminates too much tediousness and authorization, and no longer needs to worry about Pixiu and technology. It is a truly decentralized AI model. Swap can't make money. There are no robots or clamps. This is a social experiment in the blockchain industry, which has achieved true decentralization.

How to buy: transfer BNB to the contract address

How to sell: transfer AI314 to the contract address

Contract address


Telegram https://t.me/AI314bsc


This is the project with the largest pool launched by the 314 protocol

AVE314 section has been included, X314 platform has been included

There is a transaction cooling time of 60 seconds. Secondary transaction needs 60 seconds later. The maximum purchase cannot exceed 1% of the pool