Regarding the NOMADLAND Mint RGB++ project these two days, it is really fun! It is even more fun to jump out and watch! It has whetted people's appetite from the beginning, turning fomo into expectation, turning expectation into disappointment, and then into loss, and finally into complete madness! However, the project side doesn't care whether the project is good or bad, the secondary market is what they focus on! As long as there is fomo in the secondary market, what's the problem with opening later? The 100X contract heavy position is the profit point! Brothers!

Mr. Lao Du takes you to see a different world! Analyze interesting knowledge and Schrödinger's cat box that leeks can't open🐱~

The project team is enjoying this process. To be honest, many people are enjoying the process of becoming a god. This is definitely a social experiment phenomenon. Think about it carefully!

Why do I call it a social experiment? Here is the analysis. Different people have different opinions. Please don't criticize me!

This is a typical case of group behavior and market psychology, which can be analyzed from multiple perspectives, including economics, social psychology, and behavioral finance. In this case, people's behavior reflects the "herd effect", that is, individual behavior is affected by group behavior. No matter how many negative emotions there are before, when the profitable moment comes, everyone will put aside their differences and quietly wait for the arrival of the "red envelope", which here only refers to the opening. The big one came after waiting for nothing, and the project party also tasted the sweetness of the secondary market. Who lost money?

But don't worry, when the project owner finds that the secondary market has always had a money-making effect, he will not open the market. Hahahaha, interesting, right? Human nature! Gambling nature! The secret has been told to you, there is no need to teach you how to do it, you will understand it if you understand it!

The behavior of market participants is often irrational, and they are affected by group emotions, a phenomenon he calls "animal spirits." Even if group members have had fierce arguments before, the final economic incentives - that is, "the gains from red envelopes or opening" - are enough to make them ignore previous conflicts and act collectively to gain benefits.

Philosophically, the theory of will to power is the best way to interpret this matter. Nietzsche believed that human behavior is essentially a manifestation of the pursuit of power. In this case, the red envelopes or the first group of snatchers represent a kind of power or advantage. In order to obtain this power, group members are willing to temporarily abandon previous conflicts and go crazy.

From a social psychology perspective, this scenario shows an example of "cognitive dissonance." When group members exhibit behaviors at the opening that are inconsistent with their previous negative words and deeds, in order to reduce psychological discomfort, they will change their attitudes or behaviors to adapt to the new situation.

Combined with the viewpoint of behavioral finance, the irrational behavior of the market often causes asset prices to deviate from their intrinsic value. The project party creates the illusion of scarcity to stimulate people's "FOMO" (Fear of Missing Out), that is, the fear of missing out on good opportunities, which drives people to "rush" desperately at the opening.

This phenomenon can be viewed as a “social experiment” in which the behavior of market participants provides us with a window into human behavior. When you step out and look at it from a distance, you will find it very interesting! This experiment reflects several key social psychological phenomena:

  1. I will not elaborate on the social identity theory.

  2. I won’t go into details about the theory of expectations, as those who understand it will understand it.

  3. Game theory: The interaction in this situation can be analyzed using game theory, especially the prisoner's dilemma. Everyone may benefit from cooperation, but if they pursue their own best interests, it may lead to group losses. However, when the "red envelope" is about to arrive, even if there is distrust and competition, everyone will choose temporary cooperation, because cooperation at this moment provides everyone with the possibility of gaining benefits. Waiting for the opening is the premise of cooperation, a process from 0 to 1!

  4. Incentive compatibility

    This provides insights into "information asymmetry" and "market manipulation". The project party has key information about the "opening" (or other incentives), and others react based on this information. The project party may use this information advantage to influence the behavior of market participants.

Finally, we use the Diderot effect to understand this phenomenon. Once people start investing in something (such as waiting for a red envelope or waiting for the stock market to open), they are more likely to continue investing in it, even if they have had negative emotional experiences before.

Through the above multidisciplinary analysis, this is not just a small episode in the financial market, it reflects the complex human psychological dynamics and group behavior patterns. These behaviors are used and amplified by market mechanisms to varying degrees, affecting the overall trend of the market and individual investment decisions.

Isn’t it interesting? Human nature is ruthlessly tortured and magnified in the capital market. Only by analyzing the root of the problem and solving one’s own difficulties can one step out and see the world. Mr. Lao Du will take you to observe the problem from different perspectives!