Puppy 100x coin, 1,000x coin recommendation

Musk concept, Liang Xi recommended

Coin speculation and stock speculation are essentially the same, both are zero-sum games. So how to choose a 100x coin?

1. The circulating market value and total market value should be low. For example, the little milk dog that Musk called has a low market value, and there is no project party, and the only one who can cut you is you.

2. New narrative, don't participate in too unpopular tracks. New narratives must be long-term value discovery, not short-term cyclical speculation. For example, the little milk dog is Musk's latest narrative, and many international kols call orders, and the planet calls orders

3. The 100x black horse coin must be in a place where no one cares. Because the coins known by the whole network are basically high opening (ICP) or normal valuation (ARB), do you think their unit price can increase 100 times? For example, the little milk dog, many people know it now, but few buy it.

4. The best time for the token to go online is at the end of the bull market or the beginning of the bear market. When investigating or buying, the circulation rate should be greater than 50%. For example, when Xiao Nai Gou was listed at the beginning of the bull market, the circulation rate was 100%

5. The unit price is low, and there should be more zeros after the decimal point. If the unit price is hundreds of U or thousands of U at the beginning, more than 80% of the leeks will be scared away. Especially in the big bull market, those who come in are new leeks, who only look at the unit price and don’t understand the market value. The unit prices of meme coins and public chain coins are very low at the beginning, and 3-5 zeros are normal. Xiao Nai Gou fully meets this requirement

Purchase directly from Ethereum Chain, Binance, Ouyi, and web3 wallets
